Birthdays, some are bigger than others. March has seen my 50th birthday and official entrance into the “vintage” Caveman bracket. Although training does not appear to have reflected my venerable age at Ultimate Fitness`s Caveman and Boot camp sessions. Louis kindly made each circuit station 50 seconds to reflect my half century completed-everyone was thrilled! By the end my high knees between stations looked as if I was buffering on the PC!

What has been really exceptional is the sense of community the Caveman sessions have built with those who take part. The Saturday after my birthday, having completed a tough circuit that morning, I thought I was going out for a few beers to watch The England V France Test. On arriving in the Bellstone I was totally surprised to find all my Cave Camp friends waiting to celebrate my birthday! A special group of people brought together by a common interest. 

The trainers Si, Tom , Bonnie and Louis all there to join in the fun too. It is the feeling of being a team taking on challenges like the Shropshire Mud runs that sets Caveman training and Mud running apart. Why go to a gym when you can be outside in the Shropshire countryside challenging yourself both mentally and physically and getting fit! Better still be part of a `team` or `Wolf Pack` on some occasions!

The next Shropshire Mud Run series race is 25th April at Eaton Mascott Hall, a new venue for us and I`m looking forward to it. Training has begun in earnest with the school holidays begin at Easter. Plan is to do some of the early morning boot camps, evening Caveman sessions and some running on the beach on the Isle of Wight when I visit my family. 

The build -up is great, extra sessions and focus on getting that bit fitter to carry myself over the line after a very muddy 10kms. But what a great feeling at the end of every race. You feel very alive and good about yourself. It doesn`t matter where you came, you lapped everyone on the couch and got a T-shirt to prove it. I am looking forward to` Super-Ted` skipping over the mud like a crisp packet in the wind and `Little Ninja` Grace taking on the field.

So let`s get ready for April and the next big run, in the end it`s totally addictive and you can feel the mud pumping through your veins. In Mud We Trust!

A huge thank you to everyone who came out for my 50th, how you kept it a secret I don`t know! Made it a really special occasion, with great friends.

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