Role of Diet in Building Muscles

Nowadays, everyone has a wish to grow his body muscle mass. Majority of the people also want to burn calories and enhance their body muscle mass overnight. One of the best ways of building body muscles is by taking balanced and nutritious diet. You can also build muscles by following these steps.

Increase intake of calories

If you want to build muscles try to increase the intake of calories in your diet. If you are taking 2500 calories a day, then boost them amount of calories to 3000. This will help in building muscles

Drink Plenty of Water

Try to drink plenty of water. A normal human body need optimal amount of water for muscle building. There is a general formula of calculating that how much water you are drinking daily. Multiply the weight of body in pounds with 0.6. The answer you get must be the equal to the amount of water in ounces that you are drinking daily.

Intake Proteins

Proteins help in the growth of muscles. Try to take proteins according to your body weight. If your weight is 150 pounds, then you should aim for eating 150 to 300 grams of proteins. Try to eat 1-2 grams of proteins as per pound of the body weight. Try to take protein shakes during a day and skim milk.

Regular Eating

Try to make a habit of regular eating. This proves to be very helpful. Avoid large meals and prefer small meals and eat after small intervals. Try your level best to change your eating habits. Avoid taking 2 or 3 large meals in day. Basically we are grown up by taking just 2 or 3 large meals in a day. Try to take 5 to 6 small meals instead of the large meals during a day

Eat Fats

Intake of fats is good for you. The intake of fats is only healthy till that time as long as you are eating the right kinds and right amounts of fats. Saturated fats should be limited to 25 grams or less. The saturated fats include chips, butter and cheese. On the other hand, unsaturated fats are necessary as well as beneficial for the human body. Fats are helpful in many ways. 

Fats help in the proper distribution of Vitamin A,B,C,D and K. Omega-3 fats help to promote better eyesight and healthy skin. 50 to 70 grams of unsaturated fat should be taken on daily basis. Unsaturated fats include Mono-saturated and Poly-saturated fats. Mono-saturated fats can be found in olive, canola, sesame, almonds and cashew nuts while Poly-saturated fats can be found in corn oil, flaxseed oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil.

Take Vitamins

Apart from balanced diet, multi vitamins are also necessary for human body. These multi vitamins along with minerals keep your body fit and healthy. There are a number of ways of taking vitamins. It depends upon your age, sex and health. Find the multi vitamin that is best for you and make it a daily routine to take multi vitamins. Also consult a doctor or physician when choosing multi vitamins.

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