The school holidays and a real chance to concentrate on getting fit, perhaps work on that `Beach-body`!

A great start with Round 3 of the Shropshire Mud Run series at Lilleshall on day one of the vacation. Last year was the wettest run of the Series with torrential rain being the feature of the event. This year the sun was out , but the mud and lakes were deep and considerably dirty.

It was fantastic to see the numbers increasing again for the event with over 375 brave souls departing in two waves out into the grounds of Lilleshall. Team Cavecamp had entered another strong team alongside our more `vintage` band of participants.

I felt great going into the first couple of K`s and lake 1. Our merry band within the team had decided to run together as a Team not Time outing. Encouraging each other all the way we negotiated the muddy pools with a stench that remained even after a couple of showers at home later. 

The Final couple of Kilometres around the hall were tough and into the deep slime and cold water of the last water hazard sapped the energy. But I felt exhilarated, on holiday and enjoying the physical challenge and good company being in a Mud Run delivers.

A final position of 139 and a pleasing time of one hour nineteen minutes set me up for the post match evening team drinks to celebrate Cavecamp`s Team victory. Excellent runs from our fastest three: Jon, Super Ted and Ash bagged the team a Shropshire Mud Run water bottle each! The girls were led out by an impressive run from Lauren `Boudicca` Hilton narrowly pipping Grace at the final hurdle this time.

The holiday has continued with my son-in –law Sam, a fellow teacher, and I getting involved in all the Ultimate Fitness range of fitness sessions. Monday and Wednesday mornings, 6.15 am and we are at the Insanity Bootcamps with Tom and Louie putting us through our paces. Nothing kicks the morning off like a run with a log or tyre and press-ups!

Tuesday and Thursday nights and it`s Caveman training with Bonnie and Tom, an hour packed with high intensity circuits involving tyres, logs, ropes and TRX pull ups. Breathless finishes up heart break ridge to complete a serious hour`s fitness regime.

We finish the week with a brutal hour Caveman on Saturday morning, the full range of Shropshire Mud-Run T-Shirts on display as everyone digs in too complete the week.

The first two weeks of the holiday have been brilliant and I feel really fit already. September will mean Round 4 of the Mud Run series at Hawkestone Park as well as my second Tough Mudder the week before. Plenty to focus the mind and body on over the next six weeks training!!

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