Old fitness trends that still work

The role of ancient Greek philosophers and the impact on the formation of the modern culture of fitness and muscular body. Antique workout and diet for muscle growth.

Ancient Greece the birthplace of fitness

In many languages, still shows the influence of the Greek roots of fitness – English word gym, Spanish and Portuguese gimnasio academia refer to the ancient gymnasium. The French and the English word culturisme fitness came much later.

In Athens, the capital of ancient Greece, there were three public gymnasium, teaches the science, philosophy and physical education: High School (Lyceum), The Academy (Academy) and Kinosarg (Cynosarges). Philosopher Plato founded the first, second, his pupil – Aristotle.

Greek standards of beauty

It is important to remember that the modern white marble statues, perceived by many as the monuments of ancient Greece, in the vast majority of cases are later Roman copies and original statues were made of bronze.

Obviously, the polished metal is more suitable for the demonstration and relief muscular body than the soft lines of the marble. The very type ideal man rather close to the Hollywood personification of the Greek gods than to the statue of David (1504).
In a healthy body healthy mind

The thinkers of ancient Greece were sure that there is an inextricable link between intelligence, physically fit body and health. Among the high-end demonstration of diverse knowledge and demonstration of his body were inseparable.

Interesting, but the word gymnasium comes from the word gymnós («bare”) – in fact, the high school was called the place where men exercised naked. Women are not allowed in school or on sporting events or in public schools.

The Greek term areté is a condition in which a person is at the highest point of his intellectual and physical development. In this case, only the harmony of the soul, the body and the mind can achieve areté and enjoy life as fully as possible.

For residents of the Athens High School gym were not only in the modern sense of the word, they were an essential part of everyday life, because that is where people cultivate themselves not only exercise, but also the philosophical speculations.

Philosophy and fitness

Plato believed that physical exercise should occupy a significant place in the education of adolescents, as well as a large part of the daily lives of adults. When he was sure that exercise can cure diseases.

It is interesting, but the fall of ancient Greece and the primacy of the Catholic Church for hundreds of years, divided the body and soul. For many centuries it was believed that the body is only a temporary abode of the soul, and the means to improve themselves physically completely unnecessary.

Ancient Greek diet for muscle

Around 460 BC, a multiple champion of the classical Olympics Dromeus (Dromeus of Stymphalus) developed a special “meat diet” for a set of muscle mass, quickly became popular due to its effectiveness.

According to this diet, the basis of daily foods should be based on meat and other protein foods and vegetables as a source of fiber, which is very close to the modern diet for a set of muscles . Alcohol in the form of wine should only be permitted in exceptional cases.

Spartan Workout

In addition to strengthening exercises performed with body weight training system of ancient Greece consisted of exercises with the ball and hoop, running a marathon, and at a distance of 190 m (including with bags of sand), javelin and disc jumps.

Of great importance were the different types of pain art – hand-to-hand fighting, fist fighting, wrestling freestyle. Special attention was paid to such training in Sparta at training the boys the art of being a true warrior

Ancient Greek philosophers believed that the perfect body is a direct complement to the perfect reason. Strength training and work on his physical form takes an important role in the daily lives of men of the upper classes.

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