Why I Use Blue Solar Water

I have several blue glass and most sunny days they’re outside in the sunlight, filled with tap water. I get a lot of questions from visitors to my home about why I do this and what I’m making. I explain that it’s a problem clearing process and I’m making Blue Solar Water. It comes from Ho’oponopono that originated in Hawaii.

Ho’oponopono is a clearing technique. It’s not a religion or a cult or anything… I’ve had a lot of questions about that too. By clearing technique, I mean it’s supposed to clear problems, specifically recurring problems from your life. There are several things in Ho’oponopono that you can do to clear problems, and drinking blue solar water is one of them.

The main teaching of Ho’oponopono is to fix yourself. Don’t worry about fixing anyone else, you can’t… just you. If you fix yourself, will fix problems you have with those around you. Once you’ve lived long enough, you’ll realize that you can’t directly fix anyone other than yourself; this way hopefully you’ll learn it before you’re too old to utilize it. 

This means that the issues and strife in your life move up from your subconscious and to your conscious, and then become reality in your life. Your subconscious contains information and communications that you can’t reach, read, listen to, or directly control, something similar to computer programs, like little apps, that run all the time – without us really knowing about it. These little apps can cause problems in our lives when they reinforce bad things. 

Ho’oponopono helps to erase these programs and once that is done the problems occurring in your life will go away too. If you do this, you’re taking 100% responsibility for everything in your life.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian problem solving process that was, and is still, used to solve problems between family members. It was modernized by Morrnah Simeona, a kahuna lapa’au (healing priest) in the 1970s. Morrnah Simeona died in 1992. She taught her process to Dr. Ihalekala Hew Len who still teaches it. A lot of people have learned about Dr. Len from a book titled “Zero Limits” by Joe Vitale. “Zero Limits” refers to the state of having no “blocks” or “recurring memories” causing you problems, therefore, you’ll have “zero limits”.

This is How to Make Blue Solar Water

You make blue solar water by using blue glass bottles. Cobalt blue is probably the most common color of blue glass, but any shade of blue will work. You never, never, never use a metal cap. Use a plastic cap, or cork, or rubber stopper, or plastic wrap over the top. Fill the bottle with tap water – not bottled water – unless your tap water is contaminated and dangerous. 

Place the bottle in the direct sunlight for at least one hour. It’s doesn’t matter if you leave it all day, the more the better. If you can’t place the bottles in the sunlight, you can place them under a bright incandescent lamp – never use fluorescent lights (check the lamp to make sure it does not have one of those new coiled up fluorescent bulbs)… it must be incandescent. If placing them under a lamp, I usually leave them for at least 2 hours.

After they’ve been in the sun, or under the lamp, the water is ready to use for anything you use water for. You can also put it into other containers; it does not have to remain in the blue bottles. Use it for drinking, washing, cooking, making coffee and tea, anything you use water for.

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