How the French kiss can guide you through everything

French kissing can rightly be considered one of the most popular, because in the sensuality he has no equal. It is through this kiss as you can get closer to his beloved, and to express her my deepest and innermost feelings.

French Kiss: What is it?

The most characteristic of his designation – unforgettable. In particular, if you do it with skill – and then it does become a real spectacle. Anda for most guys aged 13 to 22 years old is generally the only kind of kiss, their practice actively. French kiss is very specific, that he is able to cause a lot of confusion and, at the same time as a fire of passion, brought closer together two people in love.

How to kiss in French?

In short, the French kiss – is a contact language. Tech its implementation differs a great variety. For example, both can operate first and one. At the beginning of the kiss can just open up your mouth and wait for what will make partner, but in most cases the initiative to better express myself. Imagine that your favorite mouth – it’s your mouth. Do it the same movements that you can do in your: lightly Vod language, you can go to them in the teeth girl, but only gently. Move with confidence, but do not do anything in the mouth of the partner, which would not have wanted to feel myself.

When such movements will become bored, stop them and move on to something new. In that case, if you and your girlfriend – gourmets who enjoy tasting the mouth-watering delicacies, you can take a French kiss as delicious food. In principle, both of these pleasures are very much alike.

What to do with the language?

Be confident in yourself. First touch lips with a partner, and then draw out his tongue toward her tongue. As soon as they meet, you can feel like you have jumps pressure, heart starts pounding, palms sweating. Playing together with his language, you will certainly feel as if your soul merge into one. This is the magic of the French kiss!

But all the same, no matter how overwhelming the euphoria was not, do not forget about the delicacy and caution. According to statistics, the majority of young people horribly kiss in French and cause immense discomfort to his girlfriend. For example, some of the guys so far put their own language, that girl because it simply becomes difficult to breathe. Remember, many of the fair half of mankind is too shy to point partner for this kind of error, and try to silently endure all the inconveniences. For better to control yourself and try not to overdo it.

Can a partner like biting tongue?

In most cases, yes. Carefully somknite teeth in the language of his favorite and a little bit a like checking whether you have sharp teeth. The girl will get a tremendous pleasure, but only if you’re extremely gentle and careful. Maybe your beloved did not immediately get used to this style kiss, but soon at the mere recollection of such a tremulous biting it will come in the wild. Thanks to the French kiss, the partners begin to trust each other. All because of our psychology, because on a subconscious level, we understand that the partner could bite hurt, but she did not. So she can really trust.

Do I have all resorted to French kiss?

No, many people prefer to just kissing partner on the lips. No French kissing can be lived. If, for some reason, they get you in trouble, it is advisable to warn your partner about it until the case has not yet reached passion. She should take it with respect. Of course, you can give a girl a chance to change your taste, and all of a sudden it just will charm you with his technique the French kiss? But if nothing happens, it will just have to accept it.

Should I look up to the characters in the film, practicing in the life of a French kiss?

Definitely not. Otherwise, you can catch up with an absolute disappointment. Remember, during the filming of the focus is on the beautiful picture in the frame, and a pleasant feeling at this point no one even thinks. In practice, it is so interesting, from the point of view of aesthetics, kissing can end in a fiasco, because, for example, a wide-open mouth only cause the girl feeling that you’re trying to eat it, but not the mood for an intimate way.

Can you kiss in French, without using language?

No, because this kind of kiss involves first contact language partners. That is, kissing, in French, with your girlfriend languages ​​have at least a few times to touch each other.

Is it normal when a person is nervous during the French kiss?

Yes, this is a common situation. The fact that a kiss with tongue contact is of the same character as the sex. It is exciting and is a bridge to a more intimate expressions of feelings, such as directly the act of love. French Kiss quickly excite you with a partner will pull together and make the most of what a simple hug is not easy to achieve. Know that if at the time of the kiss all inside of you like flips, then your nervous system works like clockwork.

Is in French kiss in the world?

No. For example, the inhabitants of the Arctic do not practice French kissing. In Asia, so kissing is extremely rare and considered it unhealthy manifestation. In the South Pacific partners suck each other only the lower lip, and a man can stroke his language to his beloved.

How long can the French kiss?

The normal time is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Absolute majority of couples lack a minute, but to really feel the kiss in French and fully enjoy it, it will take 3 to 5 minutes. Remember, after qualitative kiss the girl you are nervous, breathing – a sharp and intermittent, and the stomach will be strange, for nothing like feeling.

How to work intensively language?

Intensity best to minimize, particularly in the beginning. Start with the short tender kisses, very smoothly and gradually moving to a passionate and deep French. Do not try to shove his tongue deep into the throat of the partner, because it does not cause her nothing but the shortness of breath and vomiting. Be gentle and careful, then you will do it at the highest level!

What is the hardest annoying girls in a French kiss?

Remember, there are three things that can severely damp reputation French kiss in the women’s eyes.

Fish mouth. In this case, a man runs his mouth like a fish swallowing prey. This is a natural instinct that is inherent in every human being. But it is better to apply only during the meal. An illustrative example – the kid who sucks a bottle of milk. In his case – touches, in your – it looks silly. Of course, an exception can apply this style of kissing, but only if you are sure that your partner a good sense of humor, and she’ll appreciate attempt to bring in your intimate relationship is something out of the ordinary.

The use of language on the basis of gags. Lot of men so much pull your tongue that you would think that they want something to plug them. If you notice for such a peccadillo, then it is better to stop for a while to put out his tongue: and suddenly he is too big for her little mouth? Do focus on the gentle caresses. Gently tease her with the tip of his tongue, as if inviting her naughty tongue in your mouth. Practice this kind of French kiss a few months, and gradually forget about his bad habit too deeply wield language.

Salivation. This is one of the most horrific incidents. You simply must learn to control their flow of saliva, or do not blink of an eye, as you disperse a bad name. Teach yourself to swallow their own saliva approximately once per minute, so she did not have time to accumulate in the mouth in large quantities. Alas, until you learn to control your saliva, perfect French kiss you will fail.

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